Community Outreach in Mikang (Garkawa)
Global Relief put on two workshops while in Mikang, one to train health workers about the management and control of malaria and water borne diseases, and the other to increase the knowledge of the villagers, for safe water needs, and how they can help prevent and control water borne diseases and malaria.

Peter talks to the health workers about Holism, and Global Development & Advocacy.

I give a presentation to the health workers on the barriers to changing society habits (linking my experience working with litter education in Canada)...

Global Relief team and health workers that attended the workshop.

Peter gives a presentation to over 300 villagers that showed up for the community senisitization workshop. The show up was amazing - we were all pleased with the response from the community.

Kenny (Geologist) talks to the villagers about dynamics of safe water and safe water use.

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