When I did catch some tele, here and there. What did I watch. Nigerian Soaps are popular, but very amateur. The Mexican soaps are hilarious. How come they get tele from Mexico, I don't know. Depending on the location, there is CNN and the BBC, and Nigerian news.. which I found most interesting. What I found most bizarre is the American pop videos from the 90s... Backstreet Boys, Boys to Men, Micheal Jackson, Snoop Dog, Spice Girls... some videos I haven't seen since I was in highschool. Why the time warp in the past, when it comes to American tele influence, I don't know. But already the new generation is trying to copy the styles and culture. The older generation has become to preach about it in church, and question the American tele influence on Nigerian youth, on Nigerian television programs.

The Land Rover - July 18th 2007
The Land Rover has been at the mechanics for 4 days now, my first week in Abuja. And I get to take public transit. Anne (SIM) says, "wow you've learnt how to hail and take a cab already? I didn't try to attempt that until I was here several months." I had no choice. And after night fall and in the rain to bout. A strange site, a baturia walking after dark in town with a black man. We both walk fast. It takes several taxi, a transit, and walking a far bit, to get me back to the SIM lodging. What an adventure. And I havent even been here a week.

Taxi in Jos

Taxi in Jos. Most of the taxis look like a base ball bat has tried to beat the car into a pancake. Some taxis have cracked windshields, like a spiderweb... And as I'm getting into the taxi, I'm thinking, "Im getting into a taxi that looks like this, what does this say about his ability to drive?"... That and praying under my breath, hail marys and all that jazz...

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