NEPA, The National Electric Power Association. NEPA a household word. The word rolls off peoples tongues morning and night as simple as if they are talking about the weather for the day. NEPA is on, NEPA is off. The meaning of which forcasts the progress of one's day, whether it be cooking, cleaning, laundry, television, computer.... These extra luxuries that come with the presence of NEPA. NEPA, unpredictable, unreliable. Very frustrating when using a computer or trying to email someone. Lost work, lost emails... How often do you find yourself talking about HYDRO, or actually acknowledging that you have HYDRO when you wake up and cook breakfast, or HYDRO at night when you come home to watch the news, or read under a light?
By looking at some of the amateur wiring jobs throughout the city, is it any wonder why NEPA surges.
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