Holding Hands
Men do not hold hands with women in public. You do not show affection in public. Yet, women hold hands with women, and MEN hold hands with MEN. This is to show genuine friendship, and kindness towards others. This wouldn't be seen in Canada. It took me by surprise at first, but it is something very common here.

The phrase "Nigerian Time" refers to the NON-observance of time in this culture. Nigerians are generally NOT time orientated. They will usually not interupt a chat with someone else if they are expected to be else where. If you are to be somewhere at this time, expect it to be a minimum of a half hour later. My day began at 830am, to be ready for pick-up. Only once were they on time, but not because they needed to pick me up, there were other priorities that day... the rest of the time they were there anywhere between 930am and noon. Waiting became the norm of each day. Waiting to be picked up, waiting while errands are done in town, waiting to eat a meal (hours after you stomache started grumbling), waiting to be taken home... I learnt to take a book with me... the ease the madness of waiting.

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